P-05-1032 Legislate to prevent people from changing Welsh house names, Correspondence – Petitioner to Committee, 10.11.20


Dear Committee members,


First of all, thank you for the opportunity to comment on the petition that I started.


The impetus for starting the petition in the first instance, was the realisation whilst walking as a family during the Spring during lockdown, realising just how many houses/cottages/farms in our locality have lost their original Welsh place names.


I shared the petition on Twitter and within 48hrs the numbers surpassed the 5000 required by Y Senedd for consideration. The petition continued to grow and incredibly stands at 18,103 today, which I'm told is one of the greatest responses to a petition.


This is proof that this is an emotive subject and close to the hearts of us Welsh.


The letter by Eluned Morgan AS to the Chair of the committee has some very valuable points. I have travelled extensively, my wife is Spanish and I have lived and worked in three other European countries. Within those countries there are similar worries of businesses changing to English names to appeal to the tourists, but generally the place names are safe. The worry is that here in Wales, due to the volume of migration from England (40% of purchases in Gwynedd were second homes last year), we are at a precipice to keep our country's unique heritage. Nowhere is this more pronounced than in the magnificent names our ancestors have given the houses throughout the nation. I am a firm believer in the liberty of the individual, but when a lovely stone cottage within our own village that has its name changed to "Two Hoots" as its on a sharp bend, there has to be a more rigorous system to safeguard its original name. There are ample other examples, one in Porthaethwy re-named "Paddleboard Cottage" being one of the most ridiculed.


This is an objective issue, if we are to be proud of our nation (regardless of whether Welsh or English by tongue) that attracts the World to our breathtaking landscapes, activities and cultural talents it is total madness to change what makes us different.


Could I please ask you all to take this opportunity that has been placed upon you to safeguard these magnificent ancient names for future generations.


Thank you/Diolch yn fawr,